The Numerology of 2025

A Year for Release and Renewal

The Universal Year for 2025 is 9, bringing in the energy of completion, personal growth, and collective well-being. It’s a year that asks us to let go of what no longer serves us, honor the lessons we’ve learned, and make space. Think of 9 as the infinity loop of numerology, a reminder that when we let go of something, we’re not losing it—we’re transforming it. Just as energy is never truly destroyed, the lessons and experiences we release become the foundation for what comes next, fueling our growth and evolution.

But what does this actually look like in our lives?

Imagine you're guiding a child through learning to ride a bicycle. First there’s training wheels. Then, you’re holding the seat and jogging behind them, carefully righting any wobble until gradually letting go. And the letting go doesn’t end there - there’s biking etiquette to learn and boundaries so we know they’re safe. This progression captures the essence of a 9 Universal Year—a period where release and letting go isn't about abandonment; it's about trust. 

Trusting that the foundation you've built is strong enough to support the next steps…even if it means you’ll stumble. This year invites us to assess where we might be holding on too tightly—whether it’s outdated habits, unfulfilling relationships, limiting beliefs, or damaging biases. We can only create space for new opportunities and personal evolution by loosening our grip.

But let’s face it—letting go isn’t easy. Our brains are wired to resist change. 

The familiarity of the status quo, even when uncomfortable, feels safer than the uncertainty of the unknown. This is why we cling to routines, relationships, or beliefs long after they’ve stopped serving us. But here’s where the energy of 9 steps in: it’s like a gentle nudge (or, in some cases, a firm shove) that reminds us of the bigger picture.

Imagine standing in front of your fridge and freezer, realizing it’s time for a clean-out. The fridge tells one story: the quick turnover of life, the things you bought with good intentions but never quite used, the leftovers that felt too precious to waste but now aren’t even recognizable. A 9 Universal Year is the moment you pause, take a deep breath, and decide what’s worth keeping and what needs to go.

But then there’s the freezer. This is where we tuck things away “just in case”—those mystery bags of frozen soup, the bread that’s hardened into a brick, the vegetables you were sure you’d use someday. 

The freezer feels like a safety net, but if we’re honest, it’s often where we hide things we’re not ready to deal with.

The 9 year doesn’t judge you for this—it gently invites you to open those frosty drawers and take a real look. Maybe some of it is still good, but what's the point if it’s not being used? Expired isn’t good for anyone—not you, and not the space it’s taking up.

It’s a call to action, How can I release this in a way that still adds value? Could those frozen berries become a warm pie to share with a neighbor? Could those odds and ends combine into a soup that nourishes someone in need? Could the wilted produce find a second life in the compost, feeding the soil for something new?

Holding onto things doesn’t stop time. It just delays the inevitable. Letting go isn’t about waste—it’s about creativity, intention, and trust. It’s about honoring what’s served its purpose and releasing it to create something meaningful. 

Sometimes, we think the changes we make are small or isolated, but the glow of your own inner work has a way of casting light farther than you expect.

Imagine lighting a scented candle in a dim room. At first, the flame is small, flickering softly in the darkness. But as it steadies, the warm glow spreads, illuminating corners you hadn’t noticed before. The fragrance begins to waft through the air, subtle, touching everything around it. In a 9 Year, the choices we make to release, transform, or heal are like lighting that candle. The light of your transformation doesn’t stay contained—it spreads, radiating outward in ways you might not even see.

This year is encouraging us to get a little more comfortable being uncomfortable. To be aware of the times, experiences, and moments we disassociate, avoid, and disconnect. To become both the supportive guide and the courageous learner in our own lives. Even small, unseen acts, like forgiving an old hurt or embracing closure, releases energy throughout your relationships and the world, just as the fragrance of a candle fills a room.


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