The Significance of a Universal 9 Year in Politics and Leadership

I’ve gotten lots of questions on what the 9 Universal Year means and it’s implications across politics. I will share what I know, in hopes of helping bring hope. Keep in mind that 9 years tend to usher in, or invite, change to happen. Without the push to start and stop, stop or start - we may find ourselves not taking the steps we need to close unfinished, unneeded, unnecessary business, relationships, thoughts, and habits to begin again. The 9 year is a time for concluding unfinished business, both individually and collectively. In the context of a new presidency, it could signal the closing of a political chapter or the resolution of long-standing issues. Policies or ideologies that no longer serve the nation may be dismantled, clearing the way for new approaches.

Humanitarian Focus
The number 9 carries a strong vibration of altruism, global awareness, and service. This energy encourages leaders to prioritize the well-being of people over partisan interests. Issues such as climate change, social justice, healthcare, and global collaboration may take center stage.

Reckoning and Accountability
In a Universal 9 Year, there’s a natural tendency to confront and resolve hidden or unresolved tensions. Transparency and accountability may become prominent themes, potentially leading to revelations or shifts in power dynamics.

Visionary Leadership
The 9 calls for leaders who can inspire collective healing and unity. A new president entering during this time may be challenged to lead with compassion, vision, and a focus on the greater good. Events in a 9 year often serve as catalysts for significant societal shifts, urging humanity toward reflection, resolution, and transformation on a global scale.

1998 (1+9+9+8 = 27 → 2+7 = 9):

  • Clinton Impeachment Proceedings: In December 1998, the U.S. House of Representatives impeached President Bill Clinton on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice, stemming from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him by Paula Jones. This event underscored the importance of integrity and public trust in leadership.

  • Kosovo Conflict: Throughout 1998, tensions escalated in Kosovo between Serbian forces and the ethnic Albanian majority seeking independence. The Clinton administration faced challenges in addressing the humanitarian crisis, highlighting the complexities of international intervention.

2007 (2+0+0+7 = 9):

  • Onset of the Financial Crisis: The U.S. housing market began to decline, exposing vulnerabilities in financial systems. This period emphasized the need for transparency and accountability in economic practices.

  • Global Climate Initiatives: The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali led to the adoption of the Bali Road Map, aiming for a new international climate agreement. This reflects the 9 Year’s emphasis on global cooperation for the greater good.

2016 (2+0+1+6 = 9):

  • Global Political Shifts: The rise of populist movements and political polarization marked this year. In the U.S., the election of Donald Trump signified a significant shift in leadership and public discourse, reflecting deep societal divides.

  • Colombian Peace Agreement: After decades of conflict, the Colombian government and FARC rebels signed a peace agreement, exemplifying the 9 Year’s themes of resolution and humanitarian progress.


  • The energy of 9 promotes unity and reconciliation. There may be a stronger emphasis on addressing inequality, racial justice, and environmental stewardship.

  • 9 Years often heightens global awareness, addressing shared concerns like climate change, economic stability, and peacekeeping.

  • The truth-seeking energy of the 9 may bring to light unresolved issues or hidden truths from previous administrations. This could spark debates and calls for systemic change.


Numerological Themes for February


How Your Personal Year Number Aligns with the Universal 9 Year